
TV Program Workshop – Puncak, West Java

In the Late of 2009, the Cosmetics brands Marina Hand & Body Lotions make a Workshop for ‘HOW TO MAKE TV PROGRAM’ and Invited ‘Bryan Stone’s as an expert Guest Speakers. This workshop is held in Puncak Area, West Java with more than 100 participants all over Indonesia.

In This Workshop, Bryan give’s the basic knowledge how to make the TV Program and TV Commercial to all Participants. He make all participants understand hoe to make TV Program and TV Commercials. Also he asked each participants to practice in a group to make Marina’s TV Commercial.

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With only 2 days of workshop, with over than 100 participants (all girls), they know how to make TV Program and TV Commercials. From Basic to Intermediate. With the fun way and practice of tutoring, Bryan Stone can Make them understand and becoming the advanced production crew for TV Production and TV Commercial in the future.